| - vt. 比...说得有力,在口才方面胜过 outtalk
- 比方说, 例如; 假定; 姑且说 let ussay (=say)
- n. 比率, 等级, 价格, 率, 速度, 进度, 费用, 地方税 rate
- n. 比赛中一方得的)分数 number of points, goals, etc made by a player or team in a game, or gained in a competition, etc (
- n. 比赛中双方得的)分数, 比分 number of points made by both players or teams in such a game, etc (
- adv. 比赛双方刚好势均力敌. The match was finely balanced
- n. 比赛进行一半时, 双方交换了场地. At half-time the teams changed ends
- 比较起来, 用比较方法 by comparison
- n. 毕业典礼那天戴方帽、 穿长袍. Cf 参看 mortar-board (mortar2). wear cap and gown on graduation day
- n. 毛泽东主义, 毛主义(西方对毛泽东思想的不准确称呼) maoism
- 毛织方格绒 wool woven check
- n. 民歌, 民谣, 位置, 与人性交的女方, 与人睡觉的女方, 层面, 形势, 短叙事诗 lay
- 气体作用方式 Gas operation
- 气候变化全球监测方案 Global Monitoring for Climate Change Programme
- 气动开平方器 pneumatic square root extractor
- 气旋移动的路径方向 cyclone course