| - v. 用收缩塑料薄膜包装的乾酪. shrink-wrapped `cheese
- v. 用收缩性塑料薄膜包装(如食物) in plastic film that shrinks tightly round it
- n. 用於展示或试穿服装等的)人体模型 model of the human figure, used for displaying or fitting clothes, etc (
- n. 用於装饰的)手工花边. type of lace that is made by hand and used for trimming (
- adj. 用星装饰的, 戴着星章的, 有星标的, 成了明星的, 被安排为主角的, 命运...的, 被派任为主角, 点缀着星星的 starred
- adj. 用有光纸印刷的杂志[期刊](尤指时装杂志). periodicals, ie printed on high-quality glossy paper, with many photographs, coloured illustrations, etc (esp fashion magazines)
- vt. 用板条做或装备,打,猛投 slat
- 用板条箱包装的 crated
- v. 用柠檬片作装饰的鱼 fish garnished with slices of lemon
- n. 用模版印花图案装饰墙壁. decorate a wall with flower stencils
- n. 用气球和纸彩带装饰的房间. a room decorated with balloons and streamers
- v. 用污水灌溉,装下水道于 sewage
- n. 用潜望镜侦察潜水艇的装置, 衣阿华州的别名, 衣阿华州的人, 舰载空中早期警报飞机, 严密不懈的监视 hawkeye
- v. 用灯装饰(某物) with bright lights for a special occasion
- vt. 用珠子装饰, 串上珠子, 覆以汗珠(水珠等) bead
- adj. 用皮绳捆住的, 用皮带装饰的, 身无分文的, 用皮带捆住的, 勒有皮带的, 资金短少的 strapped