  • n.  她提的警告没有引起注意.   Her warnings were ignored
  • adj.  她提那个问题是因为她对前途十分忧虑.   Her question was prompted by worries about her future
  • n.  她收集少许古玩. in a fair way to do sth => fair1. in the family way => family. ,in more ways than `one (used to draw attention to the fact that the statement made has more than one meaning用以指所说的事实尚有其他含义)   She collects antiques in a small way.
  •   她明天出发上伦敦.   She's off to London tomorrow
  • adj.  她明确指他工作粗心大意.   She made some pointed references to his careless work
  • adj.  她是一个杰的小说家和哲学家.   She is a distinguished novelist and philosopher
  • n.  她是个十足的骚货--人尽可夫, 什麽事都干得来!   She's a real goer she'll do anything with anyone
  • adj.  她是位杰人物--认识她我感到很荣幸.   to know her
  • n.  她是出国的交流教师.   She is an exchange teacher
  • n.  她是於恶意而那样做的.   She did it out of malice
  • n.  她是类拔萃的新闻工作者.   She's in the top flight of journalists
  • adj.  她最为突的特点是诚实.   Her predominant characteristic is honesty
  •   她最近版的一部小说已经印行三次了.   Her latest novel has already run to three impressions
  • adv.  她最近才好多了, 可以去走走了.   It's only lately that she's been well enough to go out
  • adj.  她最近那戏的一炮而红   the runaway success of her last play
  • n.  她有外国口音, 但我听不是哪儿的口音.   She has a foreign accent that I can't quite place