| - n. 她把我们出卖了--瞧校长都来了! She's ratted on us here comes the head teacher
- n. 她把球打了出去. She struck the ball away
- v. 她把球打出很远很远. miles
- adj. 她把箱子里的东西一件不剩地全拿了出来. She removed every single thing from the box
- 她把衣服口袋都翻出来找她的钥匙. She turned all her pockets inside out looking for her keys
- n. 她把这一理论讲得深入浅出. What she said was a useful simplification of the theory
- v. 她把那顿饭全吐出来了. She spewed up the entire meal
- n. 她抓著我的颈背把我扔了出去. She grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and threw me out
- 她抖了抖手提包, 掉出了几枚硬币. She shook the bag and some coins fell out
- v. 她拉开抽屉, 拿出一双短袜. She opened the drawer and took out a pair of socks
- n. 她拔出手枪对准我. She drew a revolver on me
- v. 她拚命想把鱼刺吐出来. She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone
- adj. 她指出了该建筑物的全部显著特徵. She pointed out all the salient features of the building
- n. 她按出版商的要求对小说进行删改. She's pruning down the novel at the publisher's request
- adj. 她提出了自己的理由供委员们考虑. her case to the committee
- n. 她提出此点, 纯属遁词. She's only introducing this as a quibble