| - n. 她在裤子的膝部打了个补丁. She sewed a patch onto the knee of the trousers
- n. 她服用维生素片剂以补充规定食谱中的营养. She supplements her diet with vitamin tablets
- n. 她的日记发表後, 补充了一些有关这些事件的趣闻. There was an interesting postscript to these events when her private diaries were published
- v. 她给私人授课以贴补收入. She gives private lessons to supplement her income
- 子宫广韧带裂伤修补或切除术 Repair or resection of broad ligament
- 孔径补偿器 aperture compensator
- n. 存放碎布的袋子(如供修补衣物用的). bag in which scraps of fabric are kept, eg to mend clothes
- 季度增补材料, 季度更新[补充]资料 quarterly updates
- 安哥拉缝补线 angola mending
- adj. 完形的, 填充测验法的, 补漏测验法的ClozeTest完形填空, 综合性填空 cloze
- 定期补充营养 nutrient turnover
- n. 密封, 焊接, 封口, 隔绝, 绝缘, 气密, 堵塞, 浸补, 填充物, 压实填料, 用热固性树脂补铸件的漏洞, 热合, 猎捕海豹业 sealing
- vt. 对...给予过多的补偿, (常与for连用)对…赔偿过多, 对…补偿过多 overcompensate
- n. 对投诉做出的)满意的回应(如补偿或道歉) to a complaint (
- 对抗补贴 countervailing subsidy
- n. 对损害等的)赔偿, 补偿(尤指用钱) reparation, esp in the form of money, for injury, etc (