  • n.  他从不觉得饿, 吃东西也有胃口.   He never feels hungry and just picks at his food
  • prep.  他从我身旁走过, 一句话也说.   He walked past me without speaking
  • v.  他从我身旁走过, 竟有屈尊看我一眼.   He walked past me without even deigning to look at me
  • adv.  他从未[根本]主动提出帮忙.   He didn't once offer to help
  • adv.  他从来就没笑过.   He never so much as smiled, ie didn't smile even once
  • n.  他从来想到有可能打破世界记录.   The possibility of breaking the world record never occurred to him
  • adj.  他从来说一句反对的话.   He never uttered a word of protest
  • adj.  他以前很规矩, 婚後不久妻子就把他管教好了.   His manners were appalling before he got married, but his wife soon got him house-trained
  • v.  他们一直给我回信, 叫人担心.   It worries me that they haven't answered my letters
  • n.  他们不太卖力气, 不过却也给他们奖励.   They don't try very hard, but then there's no incentive
  • n.  他们从星期一到星期五从来都有时间去看电影.   They never have time to go to the cinema during the week
  •   他们刚搬的家, 还接通电话.   They've just moved and they're not on the telephoneyet
  • n.  他们因对手权柄在握, 反抗也用.   Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist
  • v.  他们因有亲生儿女, 所以决定领养一个孤儿.   Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan
  • n.  他们大打出手, 从来有这麽厉害.   They had the most frightful set-to
  • n.  他们已有一个多星期吃上热东西了.   They hadn't tasted hot food for over a week