| - adj. 对别人不知道的秘密)知悉的, 心照不宣的 showing or suggesting that one has information which is secret or not known to others (
- vt. 对实行洗脑, 通过宣传说服, 为...洗脑, 把某种思想强加于人, 通过宣传说服, 洗脑, 用宣传说服, 对人洗脑, 以宣传说服 brainwash
- adj. 对话的, 中间的, 插在对话中的, 在诉讼期间判决的, 插入主题的, 对话中发生的, 在诉讼进程中(宣判)的, 对话体的 interlocutory
- adj. 对货物需求的假相(由广泛宣传等人为造成的). a factitious demand for goods, ie one created artificially by widespread advertising, etc
- v. 对这一新党派的大海报宣传活动 a big poster campaign selling the new party
- n. 小叶, 传单, 嫩叶, 复叶的一片, 叶状器官, 广告, 单页宣传品, 复叶的一叶 leaflet
- n. 尤指伊丽莎白时代戏剧中)(宣读开场白和收场白的)男演员. actor who speaks the prologue and epilogue of a play (
- 尤指旧时)街头公告员(受雇在公共场所宣读公告的人). person employed to make official announcements in public places (
- 属性列表宣告 attribute list declaration
- 属性定义列表宣告 attribute definition list declaration
- n. 履行, 开释, 释放, 宣告无罪, 宣判无罪 acquittal
- v. 已宣判她有罪. guilty
- 已经商妥的事; 心 照不宣的事 an understood thing
- v. 已经宣战了. War has been declared
- 巴纽旺宣 Banyuwangi
- vt. 带来, 引导, 领引, (常与in连用)宣告, 展示 usher