| - 玻璃纸包装袋 cellophane wrapping bag
- 玻璃纸包装袋 glass-paper bag
- adj. 珍珠似的, 珍珠似的, 产珍珠的, 用珍珠装饰的, 珍贵的, 响亮的, 饰以珍珠的 pearly
- 珠宝装饰品清洁剂 jewellery cleaner
- 球形结构热核装置 spherator
- 球状栅极阵列封装体 ball grid array
- 球状装药 Ball powder
- 球轴承装配后工序生产线 production line of ball bearing after assembly
- 理解;看清楚;辨认;起草(文件等);假装;填写;开(票等) make out
- 瓶包装纸 bottle packing paper
- 瓶子装箱机 case filling machine for bottles
- 瓶子装箱机 bottle case filling machine
- 瓶子装箱机 bottle packer
- 瓶装果汁 bottled juice
- adj. 瓶装柠檬汁可不行--你得用真货. Bottled lemon juice is no good you must use the real thing
- 瓶装液体煤气 calor gas