  • v.  她为获得额外收入决定租一个房间.   She decided to rent out a room to get extra income
  •   她为选举制度的改革提极为激进的建议.   She is putting forward radical proposals for electoral reform
  • pron.  她五十刚头[五十五岁左右/快六十岁了].   late fifties
  • v.  她从他的信中挑了几段念.   She read out extracts from his letters
  • n.  她从出售中净赚5英镑.   She netted 5 from the sale
  • n.  她从帽子里变一只兔子来.   She magicked a rabbit out of a hat
  • n.  她从座位上站起来提抗议. =>illus at App   She rose from her seat to protest.
  • v.  她从烟盒里拿一枝烟.   She took a cigarette from the packet
  • adv.  她做了这种事因而受到严厉的指责.   She was roundly rebuked for what she had done
  •   她做出否定的回答.   She answered in the negative, ie said 'no'.
  • v.  她做歪曲报道好让我显得无能.   She slanted the report so that I was made to appear incompetent
  • n.  她做的事表明她不善理财.   She showed herself unable to deal with money
  • n.  她偶然说她还没交税呢.   She let slip that she had not paid her tax
  • v.  她写的作品显示她天赋极高.   Her writing displays natural talent
  • n.  她冲向出口.   She made a dart for the exit
  • n.  她决意从事出版事业.   She's absolutely set on publishing as a career