| - n. 契约者, 立约人, 开出支票(或汇票)的人(或企业) promisor
- 奥格电子出现电位光谱学 Auger electron appearance spectroscopy
- v. 奥赛罗》这出戏演得不好. Othello' was rendered rather poorly. 《
- n. 女教师, 装出教师派头的人, 有教师派头的女人, 像教师的女人, 女学究 schoolmarm
- n. 女王, 王后, 皇后, 女皇, 女酋长, 女首脑, 最有权力的女子, 女神, 竞赛等中选出的, 雌王, 雌猫, 爱人, 情人, 心爱的女子, 出类拔萃的事物, 胜地, 搞同性恋的男人, 女性化的男人, 操纵无人驾驶飞机的指挥机, 大石板, 海扇, 栉状体, 以上五例用于英国, 选美皇后, (蜜蜂等的)女王, 蜂王, (纸牌中的)皇后, (国际象棋中的)王后, 后棋 queen
- n. 奶, 乳状物, 乳, 牛奶, 乳计, 乳液, 乳剂, 不正当利益, 雪, 子同位素, (植物流出的)白汁 milk
- n. 奶嘴, 奶头, 乳头, 橡皮奶头, 小突起, 凸缘, 突出部, 接头, 轴颈, 枢轴 teat
- v. 奶奶年事日高, 不像从前那样常出门了. Grandma's getting on a bit and doesn't go out as much as she used to
- 她一出席(给仪式)增添了高雅的气氛. Her presence imparted an air of elegance (to the ceremony).
- n. 她一笑, 脸上露出了酒窝. Her cheeks dimpled as she smiled
- n. 她一转身, 匆匆走了出去. She pivoted on her heels and swept out
- n. 她不大会理财--总是入不敷出. She's not a very good manager she always spends more money than she earns
- n. 她不能出席会议, 所以由助手替她. She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took her place
- v. 她为了得到那份工作可以出卖灵魂. She'd sell her soul to get the job
- v. 她为寻回遗失的手镯提出以酬金答谢. She offered a reward for the return of her lost bracelet
- adv. 她为自己的错误付出极大代价. She paid dearly for her mistake, ie It caused her many problems