| - v. 我不久就完全打消了天黑以前赶到家里的想法. I soon renounced all thought of getting home before dark
- adj. 我们可望天黑以前到达. Hopefully, we'll arrive before dark
- adj. 我们在黑暗中看不见路. We couldn't see our way in the pitch-dark
- 我们按说能在天黑前到达. We should arrive before dark
- v. 我们的眼睛在黑暗中看不见东西. Our eyes could not penetrate the darkness
- v. 我们趁黑摆脱了追踪的人. We managed to lose our pursuers in the darkness
- v. 我已讲明要红漆, 不要黑漆. I stipulated red paint, not black
- v. 我得在黑暗中摸索著找电灯开关. I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch
- v. 我想把後背晒得再黑点儿. I want to tan my back a bit more
- n. 我最好的一条黑裤袜给划破了. I have a snag in my best black tights
- n. 我有两个孩子, 一个头发是金色的, 一个是黑色的. I have one fair and one dark child
- n. 我爱上的总是深褐色头发、 浅黑色皮肤的白种女子, 这是我的缘分. It's my karma always to fall in love with brunettes
- n. 我独自待在黑暗处就感到心慌. Being alone in the dark gives me the heebie-jeebies
- v. 我的皮肤一晒就黑. My skin tans easily
- n. 我看见黑暗中有个人影走近. I saw a figure approaching in the darkness
- adj. 我穿黑色礼服参加聚会--万无一失. > safely adv. safeness n [U] I'm wearing black for the party it's always a safe bet.