| - v. 铺在下面, 垫, 支撑, &, D{underlie}的过去式 underlay
- vt. 铺地板, 打倒, 击败, 难倒, 在...上铺, 击倒 floor
- v. 铺地板,击倒 floor
- 铺地板布 farash cloth
- n. 铺地板用的)木条, 木块 any of many pieces of wood used in making a floor, often arranged in a pattern (
- n. 铺地板者,打倒,打败 floorer
- 铺地栅板(垫货物用) floor dunnage
- vt. 铺地毯, 申斥, 训斥, 责备 carpet
- v. 铺地毯. =>Usage at lie2 用法见lie2. lay the floor with carpeting
- v. 铺地毯、 架电缆、 敷管道 lay a carpet, cable, pipe
- n. 铺地石, 铺石地, 投出, 护堤石, 远投, 扔出, 投球, 俯仰, 纵摇, 前后颠簸 pitching
- 铺地织物 floor cloth
- n. 铺地面的材料(如木板或瓷砖). material, eg boards or tiles, used for making floors
- n. 铺地面的)木板. planks or boards laid down to make a floor (
- n. 铺屋顶用的)铅皮, 长条铅板. strips of lead used to cover a roof (
- adj. 铺席子的, 识结的, 纠缠的, 褪色的, 暗澹的, 铺有席子的, 编织成席的, 编织的, 乱蓬的, 遍地丛生的, 表面无光的, 不光洁的, 乱成一团的, 乱蓬蓬的(头发), 有席子的, 缠结的, 无光泽的, 暗淡的 matted