| - 她怀的孩子该下月出生. 她希望是个男孩儿. Her baby's due next month. She hopes it will be a boy
- v. 她担任领袖後, 该党获得了转机. Her appointment as leader revitalized the party
- conj. 她拿不定主意应该不应该接受他的好意. whether she should accept his offer
- adj. 她指出了该建筑物的全部显著特徵. She pointed out all the salient features of the building
- 她本该小心些. =>Usage She ought to have been more careful.
- n. 她极力强调该计画的好处. She was at pains to stress the benefits of the scheme
- n. 她正在仔细查阅该地区的旧地图. She was poring over an old map of the area
- 她现在可真该走了. should be leaving now
- n. 她用该证据来支持自己的论点. She used this evidence to shore up her argument
- 她的表现我们应该怎样看? What are we to make of her behaviour?
- 她的讲座将该学科的新发展全部包罗在内. Her lecture took in all the recent developments in the subject
- n. 她经营这个商店已三十年了, 认为应该停业了. After managing the shop for thirty years she decided it was time to put up the shutters
- adj. 她认为能胜任该项工作. She feels equal to the task
- 她认为该是废除君主制的时候了. She thinks it's time we did away with the monarchy
- 她踌躇著, 不知该怎样宣布这一坏消息. She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news
- 如果...将会怎样; 假使...该怎么办? what if ...