  •   你不趁现在修理房顶将来自己找麻烦.   by not mending that roof now
  • adv.  你再要点儿吗?'`别我了, 谢谢.'   Would you like some more?' `Not for me, thank you.' `
  • v.  你到家後给我写封信.   Write me when you get home
  • v.  你去我倒杯水来好吗?   Would you go and get me a glass of water?
  • n.  你受累把围裙我系上行吗?   Could you tie this apron round me?
  • n.  你可不能嫁那个年轻的暴发户!   You can't marry that young upstart
  • adv.  你可别指望我再借你钱.   You can hardly expect me to lend you money again
  • adj.  你可别我讲那些可怕的细节.   the gruesome details
  • n.  你向我借的钱还(我)了吗?   back the money you owe me yet?
  • n.  你坐在那张椅子上, 我你沏茶去.   Park yourself in that chair while I make you a cup of tea
  •   你巧妙地处理了困难的局面, 我得你打满分.   I must say I give you full marks for your tactful handling of a difficult situation
  •   你弄得我措手不及--我五分钟准备一下吧.   You've caught me on the hop, I'm afraid give me five minutes to get ready
  • v.  你得先改掉以前钢琴老师教你的一切坏习惯!   You must start by unlearning all the bad habits your previous piano teacher taught you
  • v.  你得等到月底我才能付你钱.   You'll have to wait until the end of the month before I can pay you
  • n.  你得我仔细解释一下--我理解力差.   You'll have to explain it to me carefully I'm not very quick on the uptake
  •   你忘了上星期我借你的钱了吧?   Have you forgotten about that money I lent you last week?