拿Chinese English Phrase:
| - v. 拿著(某物)使其摆动 so that it swings loosely
- adj. 拿薪水的, 领工资的, 拿薪金的, 有薪金的, 有薪水的, 支领薪水的, 支领薪俸的 salaried
- 拿走,夺去,使离去;减去 take away
- 拿走;脱下(衣帽等);起飞 take off
- n. 拿起、 放下...听筒. lift, replace, etc the receiver
- n. 拿起一张宣传保护牙齿的传单. pick up a leaflet about care of the teeth
- 拿起棍棒防卫; 毅然为...辩护[辩论] take up the cudgels for
- 拿起武器(反对); 起义; 恼火; 极力反对 rise(up)in arms (against)
- 拿起武器, 举兵; 倡导, 发起 raise the standard
- 拿起武器, 举兵; 倡导, 发起 raise one's standard
- 拿起武器反对[保卫] bear arms against
- 拿起武器反对[保卫] take arms against
- 拿起武器反对[保卫] take up arms against
- 拿起武器反对[保卫] bear arms against for
- 拿起武器反对[保卫] take arms against for
- 拿起武器反对[保卫] take up arms against for