| - n. 貧民窟, 貧民窟, 陋巷, 髒亂擁擠的一群房子, 極度的貧睏, 赤貧, 不值錢的奬品, 低劣商品, (城市的)貧民區, 非常骯髒的地方 slum
- vi. 趕忙做, 奔忙, 催促, 硬逼, 有力地工作, 擁擠, 亂擠, 擠過去, 強奪, 欺騙, 生意表現很積極, 用不正當的手段賺錢, 拉客, 硬擠過去 hustle
- 載波擁擠 carrier wave jamming
- 載重擁驗爐 load test furnace
- n. 辯護者, 擁護者, 辯明者, 維護者, 辯白者, 證明者, 報仇者, 復仇者 vindicator
- n. 這位大演員的周圍經常有些前呼後擁的人. The great actor was surrounded by his usual crowd of hangers-on
- n. 這條路是為緩解交通擁擠而開闢的. The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion
- adj. 逗人喜愛的,令人想擁抱的 huggable
- n. 通常為過分擁擠的)多狹窄通道易迷路的建築或地區 building or district with many narrow passages, where it is difficult to find one's way (
- n. 那個歌手讓那幫總是溜須拍馬、 前呼後擁的人給圍住了. The singer was surrounded by the usual crowd of lackeys and hangers-on
- v. 那些擁護他的人對他失去了幻想, 紛紛離他而去了. His disenchanted supporters abandoned him
- n. 那位流行歌麯歌星周圍蜂擁著許多歌迷. The pop star was followed by a train of admirers
- n. 釘牢, 扭住對手, 兩個選手扭在一起的姿勢, (情人之間)擁抱, 擁吻 clinch
- 錯開辦公時間(為避免交通擁擠對工作時間的變更) stagger office hour
- v. 錯開的辦公時間(以減低使用交通工具的擁擠現象) staggered office hours, ie arranged so that employees are not all using buses, trains, etc at the same time
- n. 防衛者, 擁護者, 辯護者, 保衛者, 辯護人, 防禦者, 防空飛機, 保持錦標者, 衛冕者 defender