| - 修订开支预算 revised estimates of expenditure
- 修订本[版] an expurgated edition
- 修订消费物价指数 Modified Consumer Price Index [MCPI]
- adj. 修订的,修正的 emendatory
- v. 修订词典、 档案、 法律 update a dictionary, file, law
- 修订说明 revision note
- v. 修订错处、 疏漏处等 rectify an error, omission, etc
- n. 修读文学士学位的大学生 a BA student
- v. 修路、 补洞、 修表、 补衬衣. repair a road, puncture, watch, shirt
- adj. 修路费已削减到不能再减的最低限度了. Expenditure on road repairs has been cut to an irreducible minimum
- 修蹄 shoeing
- n. 修车处的)检修坑. sunken area in the floor of a garage or workshop where the underneath part of a vehicle can be examined or repaired (
- 修车起重器 garage jack
- adj. 修辞手段, 如夸张法. rhetorical figures such as hyperbole
- 修辞疑问 Rhetorical question
- adj. 修辞癖的,用语简洁的 puristic