| - vt. 不承認, 抵賴, 推翻, 拒絶對...承擔責任, 否認, 推卸, 否定 disavow
- adj. 不能攻占的, 不能駁倒的, 攻不破的, 難徵服的, 難推翻的, 確定不移的 inexpugnable
- adj. 不誠實的, 不信實的, 不忠實的, 不可靠的, 不貞潔的, 不準確的, 不正確的, 不忠的, 不忠於原文的(翻譯等) unfaithful
- adj. 不轉動的, 沒有翻轉的, 沒有掘翻的, 未翻轉的, 未顛倒的, (用車床進行機加工時)未車好的, 未鏇好的 unturned
- vt. 不顧, 使...無效, 藐視, 拒絶, 製服, 凌駕, 壓倒, 推翻, 踐踏, 把馬騎得過纍, 對...驅使過度, 使過量負載, 奔越過, 騎馬橫越, 將重疊起來, 濫用, 取而代之, 給代理人佣金, 凸出, 上升, 無視, 蔑視, 蹂躪, 不考慮 override
- n. 亂割法, 亂刺, 撥土, 劃破, 嚴厲批評, 多次劃破, 放血, 鬆土, 翻, 耙路, 粉碎 scarification
- 亂扔; 打翻; 絆倒; 反復思考 tumble over
- 亂翻亂滾, 遍地打滾 tumble and toss
- v. 從俄語原文重新翻譯的《戰爭與和平》 War and Peace', newly translated from the original Russian
- vt. 仔細檢查, 檢修, 翻修, 拆修, 追上, 解鬆繩索, 徹底檢查, 大修, 趕上 overhaul
- n. 他一抖腕子就把餅翻過來了. He turned the pancake over with a strong flick of his wrist
- v. 他不懂希臘文, 我主動給他翻譯. He doesn't understand Greek, so I offered to translate
- adj. 他們吵得天翻地覆. They had the most tremendous row
- v. 他們跌進了翻騰的急流中. They fell into the seething waters of the rapids
- n. 他在圖書館亂翻一通終於找到了需要的資料. He found what he wanted by grubbing around in the library
- v. 他對語言的熱愛促使他從事翻譯工作. His love of languages inclined him towards a career as a translator