着Chinese English Phrase:
| - (门、窗等)向[朝]着 give on
- (门、窗等)向[朝]着 give upon
- (随着年龄增长而)戒掉一个坏习惯 outgrow a bad habit
- (飞机)翻身, 机首着地而翻转 nose over
- (鱼)在找吃, 正吃着 be on the feed
- n. , 衣着随便, 便服 deshabille
- adv. ...得令人着急, ...到令人着急的程度 tantalizingly
- [俚](男子)痴情地爱着 be [go] spoons on [with]
- [俚]使用另一办法[最后一着] try it on the other leg
- [俚]心乱如麻, 着急, 急躁; 生气 in a (regular) stew
- [俚]情绪不好, 发着脾气 in a bad skin
- [俚]用冷水把睡着的人泼醒的办法 cold pig
- [俚]穿着花里胡哨的女人; 漂亮的小娘们 bit of stuff
- [口](未经同意或邀请)硬跟着, 缠着 tag (oneself) on to
- [口](违反某人意愿)勉强拉着(某人)去... drag off to
- [口]不断同贫困做斗争; 走向破产; 剩下最后一着 pull the devil by the tail