  • adj.  他无异於说我谎(只是未用`谎'一词罢了.   He as good as said I'm a liar, ie suggested that I was a liar without actually using the word `liar'.
  • conj.  他显然在谎--是不是呢?   He was obviously lying or was he?
  • v.  他爱谎, 这可是掩盖不了的.   that he's a liar
  • n.  他竟敢说我撒谎.   He had the effrontery to say I was lying
  • n.  他竟胆敢说我撒谎.   He had the temerity to call me a liar
  • n.  以Benedictus开头的赞美歌, 其乐曲, 天主教弥中所用的短赞美诗或其音乐   benedictus
  • n.  以(粉状物)在某物上   dust sugar onto a cake 将糖粉在蛋糕上. dust sth with sth sprinkle sth with (sth powdery)
  •   传播流言蜚语和谎造谣是难兄难弟。   Gossiping and lying go together.
  • n.  传播者, 撒种者   disseminator
  • vt.  伸开, 展开, 铺开, 摆开, 传播, 散布, 使扩大蔓延开去, 涂, 敷, , 复盖, 把...分期, 使延长, 延伸, 敲平, 展出, 展示, 详细记录, 详述, 登记, 布置, 安排   spread
  • adj.  似)撒旦的, 魔鬼的   of or like Satan (
  •   作物喷粉(如自低飞的飞机中喷肥料或杀虫剂).   spraying of crops with fertilizer or insecticide, eg from low-flying aircraft
  • v.  你撒开丫子回屋去吧.   to thy chamber
  • n.  你谎!'他说道, 声音中含著怨恨.   You liar!' he said, with venom in his voice. `
  • v.  你胆敢跟我撒谎!   Don't you dare lie to me
  • adj.  你这个卑鄙的谎的人!   You scabby liar