| - n. 獨居者 a. 孤獨的,獨居的 solitary
- n. 隱私,隱居,秘密 privacy
- n.居住 vi.凝思,細想 dwell
- n. palatine的職位, 領地, 巴列丁奈特之居民, 享有王權的貴族領地 palatinate
- vi.居住,駐紮;屬於 reside
- vi.遷移,移居 migrate
- vt.居住於,棲息於 inhabit
- 【動】北美隱居鶇 hermit thrush
- 【動】寄居蟹 hermit crab
- 【希神】極樂島; 福人島(善人死後居住的島) the Islands of the Blessed
- 【希神】極樂島; 福人島(善人死後居住的島) the Islands of the Blest
- n. 一套房間, 套間(如旅館的)(包括臥室、 起居室和浴室等) a bedroom, sitting-room and bathroom
- 三角家庭(夫婦與其一之情人三人同居). household consisting of a husband, a wife and the lover of one of them
- n. 上面(居高位的人, 上級). person of high rank
- 不與人交往, 離群獨居 keep to oneself
- 不和人交際; 苦思不語; 離群索居 retire into oneself