| - [口]某项体育的健将; 做某事的能手 a dab hand at
- [口]某项体育的健将; 做某事的能手 a dab at
- [口]没有什么特别的, 平平常常, 将就过得去 nothing very much
- [美]波士顿茶叶事件(1773年12月波士顿人袭击英国茶船; 将船上价值一万八千镑的茶叶倾入海中) Boston Tea Party
- [美俚](向某人)互相看一看随即将目光移开 cut eyes
- [苏, 谚]不要把没完成的活给蠢人和小孩看; 蠢人和小孩看不到将来的成就。 Fools and bairns should not see half-done work.
- [英]空军准将 an air commodore
- [谚]今霄酒醉, 明早受罪; 现在大鱼大肉, 将来必吃苦头。 Drunken days have all their tomorrows.
- [谚]听蠢人话的人也将变成蠢人; 愚蠢也能传染。 One fool makes many.
- [谚]害人者终将害己。 He that mischief hatcheth, mischief catcheth.
- [谚]新主人, 新规矩; 一个将军一个令。 New lords, new laws.
- [谚]瓦罐常打水, 迟早井上破。瓦罐难免井上破; 将军难免阵上亡。 The pot goes so often to the water that it is broken at last. (=A pot oft sent to the well is broken at last.)
- [谚]盲人领瞎子, 两个人都要掉在沟里; 一盲领众人, 相将入火坑。 If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
- [谚]真正的表扬必将生根发芽。 True praise takes root and spread.
- a.即将到来的;现有的 forthcoming
- n. 一切均将取决於这些会谈的结果. Everything hinges on the outcome of these talks