| - [口]令人感到愉快; 令人容易接受 take the sting out of
- [口]你不高兴, 也得容忍一下。 if you don't like it, you may lump it.
- [口]好容易才, 侥幸 with the skin of one's teeth
- [口]容易识破, 过于明显, 叫人一望而知。 That is too thin.
- [口]容易赚的钱; 便宜事儿, 不费吹灰之力的事 money for jam
- [口]忍耐的极点; 达到无法容忍的地步 the frozen limit
- [口]我不能容忍这样的事。 I won't have it.
- [口]极其简单容易 as easy as rolling [falling] off a log
- [口]气色不好, 面有病容; 显出衣衫褴褛的样子 look seedy
- [口]诚实的人; 容易上当的人 Honest John
- [口]这不费事, 容易得很, 没什么 no trouble (at all)
- [口]非常容易地 like a hot knife through butter
- [常用于否定句]容许 permit of
- [粗]容易干的活 a piece of piss
- [美](棒球)容易接的飞球 can of corn
- [美]人民主权论(南北战争前的一种政治思想, 主张各州人民有权处理其内政, 并决定是否容许奴隶制) squatter [popular]sovereignty