压Chinese English Phrase:
| - [口]压倒一切; 了不起, 妙透了 beat all
- [口]把压在心里的话讲出来 get sth. off one's chest
- [美, 俚]压倒一切, 真了不起 beat the devil
- [美](对国会等施加影响的)压力集团 a pressure group
- [美]超过, 压倒一切 take the rag off
- [美]超过一切; 压倒一切 beat everything
- [美]超过一切; 压倒一切 beat anything
- [美俚]压住感情, 冷静处理[对待] play it cool
- [美俚]压称杆 weigh the thumb
- [美俚]大大压缩 sweat down
- [美俚]敷衍上级压力而进行的拘捕 accommodation collar
- [谚]压住的火烧得更旺(一般指抑制情欲)。 Fire that's closest kept burns most of all.
- [谚]最后添加的一根稻草压断骆驼背脊; 最后凑上的一个细小因素引发一场大祸。 It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
- directx纹理压缩 direct x texture compress (dxtc)
- s3纹理压缩 s3 texture compress (s3tc)
- u形压弯机 u press