农Chinese English Phrase:
| - 乡绅, 从事农业的贵族 gentleman farmer
- n. 乡绅(有农场而不参加体力劳动者). a gentleman farmer, ie one who owns a farm, but does no manual work himself
- 买下农场 buy the farm
- n. 产品, 农产品, 物产, 产物 produce
- 什一税农产品储存库. barn built to store tithes
- n. 什一税(旧时付给圣职人员和教会的农产品). one tenth of the annual produce of a farm, etc formerly paid as a tax to support the clergy and the church
- adj. 今天有些地主仍以近乎封建的方式对待佃农. The way some landowners treat their tenants today seems almost feudal
- adj. 今年夏季农作物成熟得早. The summer crops were forward this year
- n. 从事农业劳动的人. farming folk
- adv. 从前有一个穷苦的农夫, 他有四个儿子. There once lived a poor farmer who had four sons
- n. 从收割的根部再长出的新牙或嫩枝, 截根苗, 农作物收割后的再发芽 ratoon
- v. 他们不顾农民反对, 仍继续进行农业改革. They persisted with the agricultural reforms, despite opposition from the farmers
- n. 他们对该农场四年的占用期、 对该国四年的占领期. their four-year occupation of the farm, that country
- 他们那时非得把农场卖掉吗? Need they have sold the farm?
- n. 他唯一的谋生之道就是务农. Farming is his sole livelihood
- n. 他在非洲务农. He is farming in Africa