| - 灰度显示装置 grey scale display unit
- n. 灰泥, 拉毛水泥, (粉刷墙壁用的)灰泥, 装饰用的灰泥 stucco
- 炉顶封闭装置 top closing device
- vi. 炫耀, 夸耀, 装模作样, 出风头 swank
- adj. 炫耀的, 过於艳丽的, 过分装饰的(尤指俗气的) unpleasantly bright; over-coloured or over-decorated, esp in a vulgar way
- n. 炮兵的和装甲兵的)团 unit divided into batteries or squadrons (
- n. 炸弹上装了一个四小时起爆的引信. The bomb had been set with a four-hour fuse
- 炸弹装药机 bomb-filling machine
- n. 点火, 着火, 灼热, 引燃, 发火装置, 燃烧, (内燃机的)点火装置, 点燃 ignition
- 点火失败脱扣装置 ignition-failure tripping device
- n. 点火装置, 导火筒, 引火具 portfire
- 点片装置 film spot device
- 烟动装置 smoke activated device
- n. 烟囱管帽(装在烟囱顶上的短的金属管或陶管). =>illus at App short metal or earthenware pipe fitted to the top of a chimney
- 烟气脱硫装置 FGD unit
- n. 烟火,烟火装置 pyrotechnical