| - 气压表式液位指示器 manometer liquid level indicator
- 气压表校准仪 barometer testing instrument
- n. 气压计, 睛雨表(尤用以预报天气) instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, used esp for forecasting the weather
- 气压计改正 barometer correction
- n. 气压计的一种, 验压器, 气压测验器, 气压计, 大气浮力计 baroscope
- 气压计高程 barometric height
- 气压计高程测量 barometrical levelling
- 气压记录图 barogram
- 气压输送分配器 pneumatic distributor
- 气压输送管 pneumatic tube
- 气压重力仪 barometric gravity meter
- 气压重差测高计 barometric gravimeter
- 气压铆钉机 air riveter
- 气压铆钉锤 pneumatic riveting hammer
- 气压陀螺仪 barogyroscope
- n. 气压降低(形成的气流). lowering of atmospheric pressure