| - v. 递交或开出(帐单) for payment
- 递交或开出(帐单) present or send in (an account)for payment
- n. 递送, 交付, 分娩, 交货, 投递, 传送, 转让, 移交, 引渡, 陈述, 演讲, 投球, 释放, 解救, 发出, 掷出, 送货车, 眼, 尾, 输出头, 拯救, 送与, 讲演的姿势, 打击, 财产等的正式移交, 发送, 传输 delivery
- n. 递送, 投递, 交付(信件、 货物等) delivering (of letters, goods, etc)
- v. 递送,表达,释放,交付,接生 deliver
- n. 递送或交付的)货物、 邮件等 goods, mail, etc delivered (
- n. 途径, 方法, 走近, 靠近, 通路, 接近, 打交道, 步骤, 逼近, 走进 approach
- 通信传达交通 communication
- n. 通勤者, 每日往返上班者, 交换者, =commutator, [美]长期票通勤旅客, 经常来往于两地之间的人, 经常(乘火车)往返者, 使用月(季)票乘车者, 经常往返者 commuter
- 通奸、婚外性交 fornication
- n. 通常指亲切的交谈, 常以交流思想或情况为目的 Conversation is usually social and friendly, often for the exchange of ideas or information *conversation
- 通用时隙交叉连接板 General Timeslot Cross-connection (GTC)
- n. 通货膨胀时期与通货紧缩时期的有计画的交替 deliberate alternating of periods of inflation and deflation
- adj. 通过外交手段解决纷争. settle disputes by diplomatic means
- 逻辑交换载体 Logical Exchange Carrier (LEC)
- 道琼斯交通平均指数 Dow Jones Transportation Average (DJTA)