| - 漆布装订 imitation leather
- n. 演员用的)化装油彩. coloured make-up used by actors (
- n. 演员穿著剧中时代的服装. The actors wore costumes of the period, ie of the time when the events of the play took place
- n. 演戏, 行为, 假装, 演技, 演出, 装假, (影剧的)演技 acting
- n. 演角色, 扮装, 假冒人名, 装扮, 假装, 扮演, 假冒身分, 冒名, 化身 personation
- n. 漩涡形装饰, 蔓叶花样, 涡卷形饰物 scrollwork
- vi. 潜伏, 躲躲闪闪, 偷偷摸摸地走, 偷偷避开, 潜逃, 装病, 逃避责任, (由于害怕或某种不良目的而)躲藏, 藏匿, 潜行, 偷偷隐躲, 偷懒 skulk
- 激光信号装置 laser signal device
- 激光引爆装置 laser initiation device
- 激紊装置 turbulence stimulator
- 灌注装置 potting equipment
- n. 火把, 有装饰的大烛台, 火炬, 华丽的大烛台, 火炬形饰, 燃烧废气的烟囱 flambeau
- 火灾信号发生装置 fire alarm signaling device
- 火灾报警缆线控制装置 firewire control unit
- 火灾探测和灭火装置 fire detecting and extinguishing apparatus
- 火灾探测装置 fire detecting arrangement