  • n.  堆积, 住处, 寄宿处, 立足点, 存放, 存放处, 占领, 据点, 交存, 寄存, 存款, 提, 沉积物, 堆积物, 贮藏物   lodgement
  • vt.  堆积, (常与up, on连用)堆起, 堆叠, (常与with连用)装载, 往(车上)装货, 塞满, (常与in, into, on, outof连用)蜂拥而入, 蜂拥而, 堆于, 累积, 打桩于, 用桩支撑   pile
  • n.  堰, 堰下的水荡, 鞭打者, 责骂者, 拦河坝, 从堰上泄的水, 蓄水池, 装石工, 堰下的水溏   lasher
  •   堵住杆突起部分,纬之突部分   protrusion dam bar
  •   塑料拉丝挤出机   plastic-wire drawing and extruding machine
  •   塑料挤出器   plastic extruder
  •   塑料电缆挤出机   plastic cable extruder
  •   塑料薄膜挤出机   plastic film extruder
  •   塑料软管挤出机   plastic flexible tube extruder
  • adj.  塞子未开的, 未使用的, 不易导液体的, 不易抽液的, 未汲取的   untapped
  •   塞音(气流受阻後突然释放发的辅音, 如/ p/、 /b/、 /k/、 /g/、 /t/、 /d/).   ; plosive
  •   填空测验(阅读理解力测验, 被测者须填选文中删去的词语以测验理解力).   comprehension test in which the person being tested tries to fill in words that have been left out of a text
  • n.  增加工资的要求(工会向雇主提的).   increase in wages demanded from an employer for workers by their union
  • n.  墨水没乾很容易弄污迹.   Wet ink smudges easily
  • v.  壁架凌空伸出几英尺.   The ledge overhangs by several feet
  • v.  壁脚板上用鞋蹭的痕迹.   scuffs on the skirting-board