| - n. 由马厩改建成的公寓. a mews flat
- v. 申请担任政府公职的人总要经过彻底审查才能受到委任. Applicants for government posts are always thoroughly investigated before being appointed
- 电线电缆出口联营公司 Electric Wire & Cable Export Corporation
- 电解冷轧钢片厚度公差 Thickness Tolerance of Electrolytic Cold-rolled sheet
- n. 电话亭, 货摊, 市场内的摊棚, 摊位, 公用电话间, 通话室, 暗箱, 小室, 饭馆中的小隔间, 投票所, 哨岗, 舱, 司机室, 隔开的小间, 售货亭, 棚 booth
- 电路交换公共数据网 Circuit-Switched Public Data Network (CSPDN)
- n. 男主角, 男主人公, 英雄, 豪杰, 勇士, 中心人物, 超越常人的人, 大型三明治, 制作这种三明治的面包, (戏剧、小说中的)男主角, 男主人公(女性为heroine) hero
- 男子1公里计时赛 Men's 1km Time Trial
- 男子56公斤级挺举 Men's Weightlifting 56kg
- 男子58公斤古典摔交 Men's Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg
- 男子77公斤级举重 Men's Weightlifting 77kg
- n. 男子的)成套西服(尤指在办公室和较正式场合中穿的). man's suit with matching jacket and trousers, worn esp in offices and on more formal occasions (
- 男的还是女的; 公[雄]的还是母[雌]的 a he or a she
- n. 畅通路(公路上的不准停车路段, 与高速公路不同). road other than a motorway on which vehicles may not normally stop or park
- 留作备用款[公积] place to reserve
- n. 留意通往高速公路的路标. Look out for a sign to the motorway