| - n. 冷而干燥的强风, 干燥寒冷的北风, (法国南部地中海沿岸的)干冷北风, 干冷西北风, 寒冷西北风 mistral
- 冻中华马鲛鱼 frozen Chinese mackerel
- 冻中华马鲛鱼段 frozen Chinese mackerel cuts
- v. 净化空气的设备(如在工厂中用以供给新鲜空气者). an air-purifying plant, eg for providing pure air in a factory
- n. 准男爵(英国世袭爵位中最低等级的受勋者, 地位在男爵之下爵士之上) member of the lowest hereditary titled order in Britain below a baron but above a knight
- n. 减压室(潜水者於其中可恢复到正常压力). a decompression chamber, ie one in which divers may return to normal pressure
- n. 减少, 减轻, 缓和, 减少, 降低, 贬值, 非法占有, 中断, 失效, 撤消, 除却, 废料, 刨花, 消除 abatement
- vt. 减少, 减轻, 降低, 减, 缓和, 消除, 停止, 作废, 中断, 排除, 磨钝, 敲落, 砍平石块, 修削石块, 使...的锋刃卷曲或变钝, 回火, 使减少, 除去, 打折扣 abate
- 减少; 剪短; 倒叙; 缩减; 中断; (踢足球时)急转方向;【化】稀释 cut back(on)
- n. 减速剂, 慢化剂(核反应堆中使中子减速的物质). substance in which neutrons are slowed down in a nuclear reactor
- n. 减速剂, 调解人, 仲裁人, 主席, 议长, 长老会会议主席, 仲裁者, 调停者, 主考员, 监考员, 调解器, 慢化剂, 阻滞剂, 缓和剂, 教会法庭的主席, (原子反应堆中的)减速剂, 考试监督员, 调制器 moderator
- v. 凡需中转的旅客请到机场的中转服务台办理手续. Would all transfer passengers please report to the airport transfer desk
- 凭经验; 从经验中 by experience
- 凭经验; 从经验中 from experience
- n. 凯尔特人(古代西欧人, 其中有些人在罗马人来到之前已定居於不列颠). member of an ancient W European people some of whom settled in Britain before the coming of the Romans
- v. 凶残的士兵把孩子们从母亲的怀抱中夺走了. Children were rent from their mothers' arms by the brutal soldiers