| - 坚持要求;坚持到底;守住;提出;伸出;主张;坚持;维持 hold out
- n. 坠落, 沉淀, 凝结, 冰雹, 猛然摔下, 猛冲, 急躁, 轻率, 鲁莽, 催促, 促使, 淀出, 析出, 降落, 降水, 仓促, 降(雨)量, 雨量, 沉淀作用 precipitation
- 坦率表白意见, 谈出心事 disclose [say, speak, tell] one's mind
- 垂直输出变压器 vertical output transformer
- 垂直输出放大器 vertical output amplifier
- n. 垂肉, 喉垂, (牛、狗等喉部的)肉垂, 肉袋, 喉部之垂肉, 胖人喉部鼓出的肥肉 dewlap
- n. 垃圾箱里冒出很臭的味. There is an awful whiff coming from the dustbin
- vt. 垫, 打出, 放弃, 丢弃, 抛弃, 抛开, 遗弃, 废弃 discard
- 埋伏着等待, 准备出其不意地袭击(或恐吓) lie in wait [lay wait] for
- n. 城市的)区(可选出一名地方议员的) division of a city, etc that elects and is represented by a councillor in local government (
- 基于风险作出的决策 risk-based decision-making
- n. 基底, 垒, 底, 基础, 起点, 基地, 本部, 军事基地, 底边, 底线, 基数, 对数的底数, 主要成分, 盐基, 硷, (棒、垒球的)垒, 底部, 根据地, 出发点 base
- 基本利率(银行各自使用的利率, 据此而定出适用於贷款者和投资者的利率). interest rate used by individual banks as a basis for fixing their interest rates for borrowers and investors
- 基本输出入系统 Basic Input Output System (BIOS)
- 基本输出输入系统 BIOS, basic input/output system
- 基础酸排出量 basal acid output