  • n.  在痛苦、 危险或困难面前表现的)勇气、 坚韧和自制力   courage, endurance and self-control in facing pain, danger or difficulty (
  • n.  在白天最热的时候门不能不戴帽子.   of the day without a hat
  • v.  在紧急情况下将人从飞行器中弹(以便用降落伞降落)   be thrown quickly from an aircraft in an emergency, so that one can descend by parachute
  • n.  在纷繁的规则和条例中寻找路. Cf 参看 labyrinth.   finding one's way through the maze of rules and regulations
  • n.  在职业上出人头地.   rise to eminence in one's profession
  • v.  在英式英语中这三个动词均作租解   Compare let, rent and hire. 试比较let、 rent、 hire这三个词. In British English these three verbs indicate a person giving permission for someone else to use something in return for money
  • n.  在莎士比亚剧作演现的现代服装, 是弄错年代的东西.   Modern dress is an anachronism in productions of Shakespeare's plays
  • v.  在蜡板上压印的图样.   in wax
  • n.  在西班牙的租的度假别墅.   rented villas in Spain
  • vt.  在讲话上胜过, 大胆地说, 宣布, 说   outspeak
  • n.  在许多领域众(如艺术、 文学、 政治等方面).   distinguished in many different spheres, eg in artistic, literary and political circles
  • v.  在询问过程中叛变者供了两名双重间谍.   While being debriefed the defector named two double agents
  • adj.  在轨上滑动的, 下颚突的, 自下承接的, 靠轮子拉动的, 在轨道上滑的, 有突下颚的, 支承在轨上的   underhung
  • n.  在轮演剧目中演出.   appear in rep
  • adj.  在这个乐队新的唱片中, 领唱的是谁?   on the group's last record?
  • n.  在这个问题上表现的情绪很强.   The strength of feeling on this issue is considerable