  •   全胜(比赛每场皆胜或在全年的主要联赛上每战皆胜).   victory in every single part of a contest, or in all the main tournaments in a year
  •   全身中子活化分析   total body neutron activation analysis
  • adj.  全部款项可以在一年按月平均交纳.   Payments can be evened out on a monthly basis over the year
  • n.  八人跳的轻快的苏格兰舞. For the uses of eight and eighth see the examples at five and fifth. 关於eight和eighth的用法见five和fifth词条的示例.   lively Scottish dance for eight dancers
  •   八度音阶中的第五音.   n the fifth note in the musical octave
  • n.  八音度, 八个一组的事物, 一音阶, 高八度音, 低频程, 倍频程, 八行诗, 节日开始八天, 八种防守姿势的第八式, 装13.5加仑的油桶, (高或低)八音度, 八度音程, 八度和音, 八个一组的物品, 八度音阶   octave
  •   公共汽车在雨驶过, 溅了他们一身泥. Eggs, etc are splattered over the floor when they are dropped or thrown. 鸡蛋等掉在或摔在地上为splatter. *We splash liquids when we spill them accidentally 不慎洒出液体为splash   The bus spattered them with mud as it passed in the rain.
  • n.  公共汽车路线的作为计算票价单位的)一段路程.   part of a bus route regarded as a unit in calculating the fare (
  •   公共空中接口   Common Air Interface (CAI)
  • n.  公司一定要在商品交易有竞争力.   Companies must be able to compete in the market-place
  • v.  公司将把总部迁往英格兰部.   The company is to relocate its headquarters in theMidlands
  •   公司的代表将前往贵处评估受损失的状况. We call in on a friend for a short time, often when we are on our way to somewhere else *call in on常指在前往某处的途顺便到友人处短暂停留   A representative of the company will call on you to assess the damage.
  •   公营部门开支在总体开支所占比率   relative size of the public sector in total expenditure
  •   公营部门开支在本地生产总值所占比率   relative size of the public sector in gross domestic product
  • n.  公路、 铁路、 海上或空人员或货物的)流量   number of people or amount of goods moved from one place to another by road, rail, sea or air (
  • n.  公路法规. Road, Street, Lane and Avenue are the most common words used in street names and are often abbreviated in addresses to Rd, St, La, Ave. *Road、 Street、 Lane、 Avenue是用於街道名称最常用的词, 书写地址时常缩写为Rd、 St、 La、 Ave.   the Highway Code