| - adj. 在客观事实上(与想像的或希望出现的情况相对). in sober truth, ie in fact, contrasted with what is imagined or hoped for
- 在家象狮子, 出外象老鼠。 A lion at home, a mouse abroad.
- 在家里, 不外出; 课后留在学校里 stay in
- vi. 在小问题上争论, 吹毛求疵的意见, 以双关语说出, 说模棱两可的话, 说俏皮话 quibble
- n. 在屏幕上映出一信息. flash a message on the screen
- n. 在岩石中凿出的庙宇. a temple chiselled out of solid rock
- 在市场上出售, 上市 come into the market
- n. 在市场上出售(某物) in a market
- n. 在幼儿出生时头部有时带有的)部分胎膜. part of this that is sometimes found on a child's head at birth (
- v. 在我们眼前展现出一种奇特的仪式. A strange ritual was enacted before our eyes
- n. 在战胜癌症方面迈出的一大步 a major step in the war against cancer
- n. 在故事情节中作案罪犯在结局时才揭示出来的)侦探小说或戏剧 detective story or play in which the person who does the crime is only revealed at the end (
- adj. 在整块岩石上凿出的台阶 steps cut in the solid rock
- n. 在斯托肯彻切出口处驶离高速公路. Leave the motorway at the Stokenchurch exit
- adj. 在暮色中闪现出的一个人影. a shadowy figure glimpsed in the twilight
- n. 在最初的几个回合里未能击出好拳. unable to land any good punches in the early rounds