| - n. 浆硬剂(使布或服装挺括的材料). material used to stiffen a piece of cloth or a garment
- n. 浇铸, 模制, 造型, 外框, 塑造物, 装饰用嵌线, 装饰线脚, 壁带, 塑造, 铸型, 铸造物, (装饰用的)嵌线 molding
- 测时机械装置 time-measuring mechanism
- 测烟装置 smoke observation device
- 测距装置 distance measuring equipment
- 测距装置应答机 DME transponder
- 测距装置指示器 DME indicator
- 测距装置询问机 DME interrogator
- n. 浓啤酒(酒精浓度高, 通常为瓶装的啤酒) strong beer, usu sold in bottles
- 浓缩辅助装置 upgrading auxiliary
- 浮力运输装置 buoyancy transport device
- 浮式钻井装置 floating drilling rig
- n. 浮标, 浮标装置, 浮标装置方法, 浮标, 浮标装置, 浮标使用费 buoyage
- 浮标抛出装置 buoy slinger
- 浮筒安装 buoy installation
- v. 浮筒(使飞行器浮於水面的装置). structure that enables an aircraft to float on water