  •   光再生中继器   optical regenerative repeater
  •   光合酌中心   photosynthetic reaction center
  •   光外差中继器   optical heterodyne repeater
  •   光子刀治中心   Photon Knife Center
  •   光学法轴系对中   centering of shafting by light
  • n.  光滑物体落入水而不溅泼的)落水声, 扑通声   of a smooth object dropping into water without making a splash (
  •   光激中子源   photoneutron source
  •   光纤通信中继器   optical fiber communication repeater
  •   光纤集中器   optical fiber concentrator
  • n.  光线枪(如科学幻想小说的).   a `ray gun, eg in science fiction
  • v.  克拉姆在赛跑成绩突出夺得金牌.   Cram ran a fine race to take the gold medal
  • n.  克敌制胜的)策略, 手法(如在比赛的)   words or actions, eg in a game, intended to win an advantage over one's opponent (
  • n.  克里奥尔人, 欧洲人与黑人的混血儿, 美国路易斯安那州的法国人后裔, 上述各州所用的法国方言, 克里奥尔语, 欧洲人与非洲人的混血儿   creole
  •   克里斯泰勒中地学说   Christaller's Central Place Theory
  • n.  免下车的影院、 餐厅等(顾客可安坐汽车得到娱乐、 饮食服务等)   place, esp a cinema or restaurant, where one is entertained, served, etc without leaving one's car
  • n.  免赔额(保险公司从投保人要求索赔的总款额扣除的规定数额)   agreed sum taken by an insurance company from the total amount to be paid to an insured person who makes a claim