  • n.  两性之从来就有矛盾.   There has always been some conflict between the sexes
  • adj.  两所房子间的短距离   a short distance between the two houses
  •   两政府的相互谅解(尤指英国与法国).   entente between two governments, esp between those of Britain and France
  • adj.  两村相距一英里, 我家在中.   The two villages are a mile apart, and my house lies midway between them
  • adj.  两次人口普查之的, 户口普查之的   intercensal
  • n.  两次大选之的一届议会或国会   Parliament as it exists during the period of time between one General Election and the next
  • adj.  两次战争之的, 存在于两次战争之的   interwar
  • n.  两次约会之相隔的两星期.   a space of two weeks between appointments
  • n.  两水路的)陆运区.   place where this is done (
  • n.  两水路的)陆运(将小船或货物从一水域经陆地运至另一水域之作业, 如乘小划子途中所需的).   carrying boats or goods overland between two rivers, lakes, etc, eg on a canoeing trip (
  •   两码头间的水区   slip
  • n.  两端可伸缩的行中耕器, 浅耕松土耙, 中耕松土机   scuffler
  • n.  两边缘相接合的)线(如甲板的).   line where two edges meet, eg of boards forming a ship's deck (
  • adj.  严守时刻的, 准时的, 正点的, 严守时的, 按期的, 正确的, 点状的, 点的, 按时的   punctual
  • n.  个案研究(对一个人或一些人在一段时的情况发展的研究).   study of the development of a person or group of people over a period of time
  •   中[近]景(风景、布景绘画等介于前景与背景的部分)   last the distance