| - adj. 任他没完没了地给我写信, 我就是不回信. He can write me letters till he's blue in the face, I'm not going to reply
- n. 休假(许可)(尤指给予在国外工作的官员、 士兵等的) absence from duty, esp that granted to civil servants, soldiers, etc working abroad
- n. 优先权, 优先顺序, 优先, 先, 前, 重点, 上席, 上位, 优先配给, 优先考虑的事, 次序, 轻重缓急, 优先级, 需优先考虑的事 priority
- n. 会费应交给俱乐部秘书. Membership fees should be paid to the club secretary
- n. 会费应交给俱乐部秘书. Payment of subscriptions should be made to the club secretary
- v. 传染给某人(疾病) sth to sb infect sb with (an illness)
- 传给, 转到, 通到 pass to
- 传给;传下去;转入,往下谈;去世 pass on
- vt. 传达, 传送(消息, 感情等), 传布, 传递, 告知, 传染(疾病), 授圣体给... communicate
- 伴随...发生; 与...一起供给 come with
- vt. 伸出, 拉开, 展开, 扩展, 扩大, 扩张, 扩散, 给予, 寄与, 发挥, 推广, 传播, 写出全文, 引伸, 延伸, 延续, 延长, 致, 提供, 赠送, 估价, 没收, 扣押, 使疏散, 使散开, 搀杂..., 填充, 开拓, 会计把转入另一栏, 算出...的总额, 使拼命, 勉强 extend
- indef det 何不送给她一些花? (Cf 参看 I suggest you give her some flowers.) Why don't you give her some flowers?
- v. 作为权宜之计, 他用塑料袋把漏洞给包上了. As a temporary shift, he covered up the leak with a plastic bag
- n. 你一到家就给我打个电话. Give me a tinkle when you get home
- 你一定要断了嫁给汤姆的念头. any thought of marrying Tom
- v. 你不要动, 我给你拍照. Hold yourself still for a moment while I take your photograph