  •   在争论中硬要说最后一句话; 强辩到底   say the last word
  •   在争论中硬要说最后一句话; 强辩到底   get the final word
  •   在争论中硬要说最后一句话; 强辩到底   have the final word
  •   在争论中硬要说最后一句话; 强辩到底   say the final word
  •   在人群中认某人[某人的脸]   sb's face in a crowd
  • n.  在他似乎绝不可能到的地方, 他往往就在那里现.   He seems to pop up in the most unlikely places
  • n.  在以色列生的犹太人.   Israeli Jew born in Israel
  • v.  在仪表盘上显示(某读数、 量度)   on a scale
  • v.  在伦敦西区的长期演刚刚结束.   It's just finished its West End run, ie in the West End of London
  • n.  在你们当地邮局出售   on sale at your local post office
  • n.  在全市各处如雨後春笋般现的新公寓楼和办公楼.   new blocks of flats and offices mushrooming all over the city
  • adj.  在其领域中类拔萃的科学家.   a scientist pre-eminent in his field
  • n.  在冰上演出的灰姑娘.   Cinderella on ice
  • n.  在出口市场中亏损.   suffer losses in the export market
  • n.  在席者的姓名旁做记号   the names of those present
  • n.  在出航[返航]途中   homeward voyage