  •   在...中现; 在...中占有地位   have a place in
  •   在...中看某人势力[影响]   see sb.'s hoof in sth.
  •   在...外面, 超出...范围   outside of
  •   在...方面, 就...来说, 由...所做的   on one's part
  • vt.  在...饰以小垂片,认出   tab
  • n.  在一剧中[参加一剧的]演   take part in a play
  • n.  在一块皮革上打许多洞   press holes in a piece of leather
  • n.  在下层灌丛中开一条路来   cut a way through the undergrowth
  • v.  在丛林中开出一条路   cleave a path through the jungle
  •   在丛林中开辟一条小路   cut out a path through the jungle
  • v.  在两种拼法皆可时, 本词典将之一并列.   criticise. -ise is more common in British than in US English. *-ise的拼法在英式英语中比在美式英语中常见. In this dictionary both spellings are shown when both are possible
  • adj.  在乡下的一个不名的村子.   an obscure village in the country
  • v.  在乡区作巡回演, 在乡区作演说旅行, 到小城镇巡回演   barnstorm
  •   在乡村百货店闲逛 M-along! 滚! 去!   mosey around the general store
  •   在争论中硬要说最后一句话; 强辩到底   get the last word
  •   在争论中硬要说最后一句话; 强辩到底   have the last word