| - 汗布印花女套装 printed single jersey suit for lady
- 汗布印花童套装 printed single jersey suit for child
- n. 池塘(尤指供牲畜饮水或作为花园之装饰者) small area of still water, esp one used or made as a drinking place for cattle or as an ornamental garden pool
- n. 污垢, 硬壳, 用外皮包裹, 外壳, 痂, 硬壳, 水锈, 积垢, 表面装饰, 镶嵌细工, 外模化石, 逐渐形成, 结壳, 用覆盖物, 镶嵌 incrustation
- 污水处理装置控制箱 sewage-treatment unit control box
- n. 汽油发动机的)发火装置, 点火装置, 点火开关 electrical mechanism that ignites the mixture of explosive gases in a petrol engine (
- n. 汽车、 服装、 机器的销售 the sale of cars, clothes, machinery
- n. 汽车、 船等的)转向装置, 操舵装置 equipment or mechanismfor steering a car, boat, etc (
- 汽车用装饰布 automotive textile
- 汽车经装配线组装完毕後即进行校验. Cars are checked as they come off the production line
- 汽车装卸费 car-loading charge
- 汽车集装箱货 car container cargo
- 汽轮机和燃气轮机联合动力装置 combine steam and gas turbine
- 汽轮机和燃气轮机联合装置 combined steam and gas turbine machinery
- 沈船装灯浮标 wreck light buoy
- 沉井减摩装置 tubing machine