  • adj.  因预料要事)肌肉 紧的   with muscles tight in anticipation of what may happen (
  • adj.  园艺的, 与园艺有关的, 培育来的   horticultural
  • adj.  围产期的, 接近生时期的, 生前后发生的   perinatal
  •   固定利率出口融资   FREF fixed rate export finance
  •   固定剧团(在固定剧场演保留节目的专业剧团).   company of actors who have a repertoire of plays which they perform at a particular theatre
  •   国会辩论记录文件(美政府版物)   Congressional debate
  • adj.  国内贸易、 本产口、 本地产品   domestic trade, exports, production, etc
  • adj.  国内贸易(与进口贸易相对).   inland trade, ie domestic trade, as opposed to imports and exports
  •   国家入境检验检疫局(海关总署)   State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (under the General Administration of Customs)
  • int.  国家剧院上演的那新剧极为轰动.   The new play at the National Theatre's a wow
  • n.  国家经济弊病百, 并无万灵药可以医治.   There's no single panacea for the country's economic ills
  • n.  国家首脑每年要席很多重大宴会.   Heads of state attend numerous functions every year
  •   国民支出总额   GNE gross national expeditures
  •   国际经济技术进口公司   International Cooperation Corporation of Economics and Technology
  •   国际货物售合同公约   Convention Contracts of International Sale of Goods
  •   国际通信进出口局   International gateway