  • vt.  钓,钓鱼,查出,用接合板接   fish
  •   钢丝绳半连续铸造机   cable semicontinuous casting machine
  • n.  钢铁工业突如其来的一串大罢工.   a rash of strikes in the steel industry
  • vt.  铆, 铆接, 吸引(注意), (与on, upon用)注意, 目光集中在…   rivet
  •   铜焊连接   copper bond
  • n.  铜版体(一种老式手写体, 笔画匀称、 倾斜、 互相接).   neat old-fashioned formal handwriting with looped sloping letters that are joined to each other
  •   铰接车(带有用铰链接其它部分的车辆, 转弯较易). =>illus at lorry 见lorry.   vehicle with sections connected by flexible joints so that it can turn more easily
  •   铰链式连杆   hinged type connecting rod
  •   铸钢连接杆   cast steel connection link
  • vt.  铺草皮, (与out用)赶出, 撵出, 甩掉, 覆草皮于   turf
  • n.  链, 锁, 束缚, 钱恩, 链子, 续的事物, 一串, 枷锁, 链(海程长度单位, 合20.1168米), 镣铐, 一系列   chain
  •   链形连接器   chain coupling
  •   链路控制连接器   link controller connector
  •   锁扣式连接器   bayonet mount adapter
  • adj.  锋利的, 敏锐的, 强烈的, 锐利的, 尖刻的, 深切的, 热心的, 渴望的, (与on用)热心…的, 对…有兴趣, 喜爱…的, 低廉的(价格), 敏捷的   keen
  • n.  锚, 锚固装置(用缆, 链等接著的金属设备, 用以将船舶固定於海底或将气球固定在地面上)   heavy metal device attached to a rope, chain, etc and used to moor a ship or boat to the sea-bottom or a balloon to the ground