  • adj.  因为她小气得了名, 我决定不找她借钱.   I decided not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness
  • v.  因他人提的问题粗鄙而感到尴尬.   be discomfited by rude questions
  • n.  因现几句谩骂, 辩论会不欢而散.   The debate was marred by a brief lapse into unpleasant name-calling
  • n.  因生的造化, 他成为英国公民(因有缘生於该地).   he is entitled to British citizenship
  • n.  因粉刺而烦恼的十几岁的男青年   a teenage boy worried about his spots, ie acne
  • n.  因可能现困难而产生的)忧虑, 恐怖   unpleasant and frightening mental image of possible future trouble (
  • v.  因善於做某事)受人注目, 名   oneself deserve to be noticed by doing sth very well (
  • n.  因对方、 他队等未场   by de`fault because the other party, team, etc does not appear
  • adj.  因恐怖、 恐惧、 惊愕等而说不话来.   with horror, fear, amazement, etc
  • n.  因果关系, 原因, 引起, 惹起, 导致, 因果律, 原因作用, 引起结果, 现, 发生因果关系   causation
  • v.  因熟悉某人[某事物]而觉察不其真正价值   its full value
  • n.  因磨擦)发出噪音   make a harsh noise by rubbing (
  • v.  因私携货币境而被捕.   arrested for smuggling out currency
  • adj.  因细小、 轻微、 渐变)觉察不的, 感觉不到的, 些微的   that cannot be noticed or felt because so small, slight or gradual (
  • n.  因行为、 穿著等)丑, 洋相   make a `spectacle of oneself draw attention to oneself by behaving, dressing, etc ridiculously, esp in public (
  •   因观众太少而取消演.   The show had to be taken off because of poor audiences