  • v.  保安人员混杂在人群.   Security men mingled with the crowd
  •   保安指挥中心   security command center
  •   保持立; [主英]控制住局势, 不退让   hold [keep] the ring
  • n.  信夹钞票最好寄挂号.   It's wise to register letters containing banknotes
  • n.  信字里行间的绝望之意   overtones ofdespair in a letter
  • n.  信的间隔距离处理得很整齐.   The letter was well spaced, ie typed, etc with a suitable amount of space between each line, etc
  •   信令回路中断   Signaling Loop Interruption (LD)
  • n.  信件等的定时收集(尤指自邮筒)或投递(如入户)   of letters, etc
  • n.  信函等的)称呼语(如 Dear Sir.)   words used to address the person being written to, eg Dear Sir (
  • n.  信在邮寄途中.   The letter is in the mail
  • n.  修建的铁路已到达的最远点.   furthest point reached by a railway that is being built
  • n.  修建新购物心是践踏民意,'她抗议道.   The building of the new shopping centre is an outrage,' she protested. `
  • n.  俱乐部, 夜总会, 会, 社, 棒, 棍, (高尔夫、马球等的)球棒, 棒状物, (纸牌)梅花, 一组梅花牌, 锤节, 棒(昆虫触角), 俱乐部的会址, 短棒, 棍棒, 球棒, 球杆, (纸牌的)梅花, 梅花   club
  • n.  倍增器电极, 倍增器电极, 打拿极, 二次放射极, 间极   dynode
  •   倒常用作宾语, 尤用於疑问句   Whom is rarely used in everyday language. 在日常使用的语言很少用到 whom 这个词. Who is more common as the object form, especially in questions 与之相比, who
  •   倒挡中间齿轮   reverse idler gear