| - 方柱立式钻床 box type vertical drilling machine
- 方柱立式钻床 vertical drilling machine with square column
- 方柱立式钻床 square pillar vertical drilling machine
- 方柱立钻 square upright drilling machine
- 方格[简单]编织法 the fillet [single] crochet
- 方格上装呢 wool check coating
- 方格台布 check table-cloth
- 方格呢大衣 wool check coat
- n. 方格图案(通常为交错颜色的). =>illus at pattern 见pattern之插图. pattern of squares, usu of alternate colours
- 方格塑胶片雨衣 checked plastic film raincoat
- 方格式渠道 rectangular channel
- adj. 方格式的, 多变的 checkered
- 方格方格的 chequered
- 方格毛布裙 wool plaid skirt
- 方格毛布运动衬衫 wool plaid sport shirt
- 方格浮标方格纹浮标 buoy with chequers