| - n. 供中转旅客及时换乘的)联运交通工具(如火车、 飞机等) train, plane, etc timed to leave a station, airport, etc soon after the arrival of another, enabling passengers to change from one to the other (
- n. 供应茶、 咖啡等的)有龙头的金属容器(如小餐馆或食堂中的) large metal container with a tap, in which tea, coffee, etc is made or from which it is served, eg in cafes or canteens (
- 供电中心 center of supply
- 供货中心 distribution center
- 依靠...提供的东西维持(生活); 从...中取衾 feed off
- 侥幸猜中, 碰上 a lucky guess
- 侧压中心 center of lateral pressure
- 侧向阻力中心 center of lateral resistance
- n. 侧翼运动员, 球队中担任左右两翼的运动员, 靠货舱舷边一排的货物, 无经验的海员 winger
- 侧面中心中线面浸水部分中心 center of lateral area
- n. 侱点的纸牌(通常在纸牌游戏中点数最高或最低) playing-card with a large single spot, usu having the highest or lowest value in card games
- n. 便士, 分, 一枚钱, 一笔钱, 小银币, ①复数pence用于数字后构成复合词, 读, 如:fivepence, twentypence②在英国, 复数pence或p用于价格中, 如:fourpencenails4便士的钉子Itwillonlycostafewpence.它只值几个便士。③在英国、美国和加拿大, 复数形式pennies用以指铜币本身, 而不是指其面值, 如:Pleasegivemesixpenniesforthesixpence.请给我把这个6便士的硬币换成六个1便士的硬币。, (1971年后的)便士, 新便士(100便士等于1镑), (1971年前的)便士(12便士等于1先令, 20先令等于1镑), 小量金额, 分 penny
- n. 促黑激素, 中叶激素 intermedin
- n. 俄卡鹿皮 (产於中非, 类似长颈鹿, 但颈短身有条斑). animal of Central Africa, similar to a giraffe but with a shorter neck and a striped body
- adj. 保守党中的温和派. Tory wets
- v. 保守党在上次议会选举中从工党手里夺得这个议席. from Labour at the last election