| - 速射炮, 连发枪 a quick firer
- n. 遇难船, 海难, 船舶失事, 倾覆, 沉没, 船骸, 毁灭, 船舶遇难, (常与of连用)毁灭, 失望, 船只失事, 遇难 shipwreck
- adj. 遥远的, 远的, 远离的, 稀疏的, 远族的, 远房的, 交情不深的, 冷淡的, 疏远的, 隐约的, 分明的, 不连接的, 远隔的, 来自远方的, 向远方去的, 关系不近的, 不亲近的, 关系远的, 间隔的, 冷漠的 distant
- vt. 邀请, 招待, 恳请, 诱惑, 引起, 酿成, 招致, (常与to连用)邀请, 请求, 鼓励 invite
- v. 那个患儿难受得连哭带喊. The sick child was wailing miserably
- n. 那件事惹出了一连串的灾祸. The incident sparked off a whole chain of disasters
- adj. 那件连衣裙不够体面. That dress isn't decent
- adj. 那件连衣裙有点花哨吧? , isn't it?
- adj. 那件连衣裙真难看, 我宁死也不穿. That dress is so ugly I wouldn't be seen dead in it
- v. 那根棒掉进机器里把连杆给打弯了. The bar fell into the machinery and sheared a connecting-rod
- n. 那老人戴著单片眼镜, 上面连结著一条丝带. The old man wore an eyeglass attached to a piece of ribbon
- n. 那裁缝把小块重物缝进连衣裙的下摆里. The dressmaker put small weights in the hem of the dress
- prep. 那顿饭连酒每人12英镑. The meal with wine came to 12 each
- v. 邻接, 毗连 adjoin
- v. 邻接, 毗连, 毗邻 abut
- n. 邻近, 接壤, 相切, 接触, 接近, 关系密切, 不间断或连续不断之物 contiguity